Gran Paradiso Newcomers Welcome Package
Gran Paradiso – Community Emergency Response Team (“GP-CERT”) Summary

In 2019, residents started up the all-volunteer Gran Paradiso – Community Emergency Response Team (“GP-CERT”) to assist our community in the aftermath of any disaster affecting our community. GP-CERT provides immediate access control, damage assessment, light search and rescue, first aid, and communications in the hours and days following a major disaster. The success of the GP-CERT program is solely contingent on GP residents’ willingness to volunteer to play a role within the team.

GP-CERT is staffed by residents of our community who have volunteered their time and expertise to help our community recover from a major storm event. Planning, direction, and control of GP-CERT is provided by a Command Team consisting of an Incident Commander, Deputy Commander, Communications Officer, Access Control Officer, Logistics Officer, and Zone Leaders responsible for recovery efforts in each of six defined geographic zones in our community.

There is a continuing need for volunteers to assist in areas such as damage assessment (which includes light search and rescue), access control (manning the front and back gates until our security staff returns), communications, and triage or basic first aid. Volunteers will be assigned to the various areas based upon need, as well as their desires, skills, and experience (although no prior experience or training is necessary).  GP-CERT will organize training for volunteers and will arrange for CERT basic training to be undertaken by volunteers if desired. In the aftermath of a disaster, GP-CERT will continue to assist our community until such time as our management company staff return to the community.

For additional information or to volunteer for GP-CERT, please feel free to visit the GP-CERT web-site at (which includes an on-line volunteer form), or contact any of the following GP-CERT officers:

Ed Litcher

Recruitment Committee Co-Head


Trent DePersia

Recruitment Committee Co-Head
